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Messages - mathias.lin

Hi, here's a minor bug report:
Orders list not updating properly in KK Admin:
When I'm logged in to KK Admin, I go to the orders overview. Meanwhile a new order comes in.
When I click on the left hand navigation, going back and forth between customers and orders, the orders list just won't updated - the new order isn't shown. Even when I in between clear the browser cache (FF 5.0), it still doesn't update.
Only when I hit the 'search' button above the orders list, the new order will be shown.
I guess there's some caching problem.
Hi James,
we've done that and meanwhile completed the project. We used the custom1, custom2 fields, editable for each product in KK Admin. Then we adjusted the struts form sources accordingly - or if you just need a simple client side validation, you can also do it with javascript, but not so safe.
If you still need assistance, let me know.  8)

Quote from: JamesC on June 01, 2011, 04:19:53 pm
I need to do something similar - ideally I need a sysadmin to be able to configure which fields to add, and which fields are obligatory. Where can I find documentation on these widgets? Is there anyway to do this at runtime?
When I open an invoice in Konakart Admin, and click the "View PDF" at the bottom of the order screen, I get the error message:

Exception Message = PDF Manager functionality has not been installed

Unfortunatelyl googling for Konakart and PDFManager didn't bring anything up. How do I install this obviously missing component? Is it not part of the default Konakart installation?

Nevermind, I was referencing to a variable in a struts action, which is not part of the onepagecheckout project. That failed of course.  ::)
Quote from: ryan on August 07, 2008, 01:08:45 pm
This should be set up correctly by the installer so the only thing you need to do is to go to the custom\onepagecheckout directory and type "ant" .

It doesn't work on Mac OS X 10.6.7, KonaKart Build by calling 'ant' fails with an error, see my latest reply on http://www.konakart.com/forum/index.php/topic,1349.0.html

Do you have an idea what the problem might be there?
(build.properties & db connection look all correct).
I have a similar problem as the thread initiator.  But in my case, I'm not getting any detailed information or error message, I only get 'Build failed: Java returned 1' as below.
I'm on Mac OS X 10.6.7 and using the latest KonaKart version

MacBookPro:onepagecheckout myuser$ ant
Buildfile: /Users/myuser/Projects/opencms/_deployments/konakart/custom/onepagecheckout/build.xml

     [echo] Cleanup...

     [echo] Copy Jars...

     [echo] Copy Images...

     [echo] Compile the sources
    [javac] /Users/myuser/Projects/opencms/_deployments/konakart/custom/onepagecheckout/build.xml:76: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
    [javac] Compiling 91 source files to /Users/myuser/Projects/opencms/_deployments/konakart/custom/onepagecheckout/war/WEB-INF/classes
    [javac] Note: /Users/myuser/Projects/opencms/_deployments/konakart/custom/onepagecheckout/src/com/konakart/server/KKGWTServiceImpl.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
     [echo] GWT-Compile the sources

/Users/myuser/Projects/opencms/_deployments/konakart/custom/onepagecheckout/build.xml:104: Java returned: 1

Quote from: Brian on October 21, 2010, 06:49:14 pm
You shouldn't need to download anything if you're using v5.0.0.0 of KonaKart or later.  It just needs a plug-in for your browser... in my case for Firefox (it should try to install this automatically).

Are you trying with an earlier version of KonaKart?
Seems that it was a caching problem. Clearing the cache, closing browser and logging in again works, KK Admin is in German entirely now.
There's a similar thread to this, but since it's already old, I start a new one.

I have some issues with the language settings for the Admin. I understand that dynamically changing the language is only available in KK Enterprise, but how do I change the language for the Admin interface to German initially (one-time) and permanently?

The strange thing is:
I have set the customer locale of admin@konakart.com (my admin user) in the DB (customer table) to de_DE, and for the KK frontend, I've set the default to German as well. When I log into the KK Admin and see summary list of orders, the list items (invoiced, pending, etc.) are all displayed in German (German labels like 'Abgesagt', 'in Bearbeitung', etc.)

But that's about it - everything else is in English. Furthermore, and this is strange to me, the velocity templates for the invoices are also looked up by the English suffix (_en), not _de. Why?
So how does the KK Admin decide which template language to take for Velocity? IMHO it doesn't make sense to make this based on the Admin language but on the general default Shop language, which in my case would be German.

How do I change the default language of KK Admin to German? Putting all German values into AdminMessages.properties and AdminHelpMessages.properties does't seem to be right.
Why is there konakart-logging.properties AND log4j.properties, which actually hold the same content?
Is it because eventually somebody would not use log4j but something else? Where would you configure which logging method to use then?

It's a bit confusing, because I'm usinig log4j and adjusted only the log4j.properties, which didn't seem to have any effect. Then I copied all modifications over to konakart-logging.properties, which then worked fine. So why do I still need the log4j.properties?
In this post,
I found the information:

Our next release out very soon (probably today), has custom fields for basket items and for order product items. These fields can be set by each customer to add extra information to the product that has been added to the basket and to the order.

However, I don't see where I (as a customer then) can add/fill out those fields in the frontend.
Where do I (as admin) firstly specify those custom basket fields? In code or via KK Admin? I didn't find anything when searching for "basket fields". I don't mean product attributes/options, as they're only allowing to choose from a predefined list of values.
But I need the customer to enter the text (what he wants printed on his items) on checkout (or when adding the item to the cart) for each item. Do you have a link to an example or documentation? Didn't find anything in the docs. Thanks!
How can I add custom text fields to a product?

For example, I want to sell merchandise items like mugs, t-shirts, etc. where the user can have his company name and address printed on.
How can I offer such a text input field for the user to fill out?

I noticed the customer can write a comment with the entire order, there's a text input field for that, but I would need it for each item (type) he orders. Let's say he orders 10 pcs of a certain mug, then he should be able to set a text to be printed on those mugs (all the same for all 100, to keep it simple).

And he should be able to set another text for - let's say - pens, if that's his second order item.

Can I use attributes or custom fields for that? Or does it require some more customized development?

Thanks, M
Checking the user guide again, I guess I missed to also change the axis client properties regarding different port, beside just the module wsdl file. Will try that later.
Forgot to mention, I'm on Mac OS X 10.6.7 and firewall is (as per default) turned off.
This error looks pretty much as if you haven't restarted Tomcat yet after importing the module.

Quote from: KonakartUser on March 27, 2011, 06:31:21 am

I have been trying to follow the steps mentioned for deploying com.konakart_22.60.0 in OpenCMS module. Not sure about the installation status, but I am getting below error while running the index.jsp

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:

An error occurred at line: 32 in the jsp file: /WEB-INF/jsp/offline/system/modules/com.konakart/elements/NewProductsBody.jsp
KKWSEngIf cannot be resolved to a type
29: String kkImgPath = "../resources/images/";
31: // Get the products from the KonaKart engine using a SOAP call
32: KKWSEngIf eng = new KKWSEngIfServiceLocator().getKKWebServiceEng();
33: DataDescriptor dataDesc = new DataDescriptor();
34: dataDesc.setOffset(0); // Offset = 0
35: dataDesc.setLimit(9); // We only want to get back 9 products