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Messages - BruceLee

Thank Trevor for helpful response. I have concern,
If we implement our own DigitalDownload page, can we just use DigitalDownloadIf and put the filepath on page for user to download? We want to allow user to use other HTTP speedy downloading tools.

Dear Team,

I'm very interested in the new Digital Download feature in However, it appears not working in KonaKart Demo site.

I cannot see a download link or even 'download' it after I order software "Unreal Tournament
  - Version: Download: Windows - English". Though there is an option to choose Download version before checkout.

If I install KK, do I need a real working payment gateway to test this feature? It's not practical for us since we have not signed with any payment gateway before release.

Is the download link just regular URL pointing to a file e.g. my.pdf? Is any secure download supported?

Thanks in advance!
Thank Julie for response.

Our webapp is not a pure online store. Users needn't see the catalog of products. Users visit our website to get free information and interaction. If he see an valuable article or report (we can have tens of thousands), he can be directed to buy it.

Our webapp usually generates the articles/reports dynamically from data in our database. And many article related data are not added by our admin, but dynamically added by users. The product doesn't have sku since it can be 'virtual' downloadable product. So when our website is online, most products are even unknown. It's interesting project and huge potential, we believe.

One category of article/report has same price. We like to put a common product ID for one category because it makes our webapp development much easier and also reduce administration cost of manually putting similar info in KK database.

If the BasketIF has a custom field like those in Order, it will be good for our app. We can put our article ID in this custom field, then display proper description when showing shoppingCart. When user places order, this custom description and download link will go to products_name field in orders_products table. Thus when the user checks his Orders later, he can still view all purchase info.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Dear Team,

In our project, we'd like to limit numbers of product ID. We cannot afford to put tens of thousands of products with same price, similar type. Instead, we want to pass a brief description to BasketIF when user adds the product to cart.

For example, a product is Financial Article, all $5; another product is Medical Article, all $3. When user buys an article, we need to show the title of article in Basket.

In current BasketIF, the only field in table 'basket' appears to be productID, which auto refers to the id in 'product' table for some functions like getTotalPrice().

Is any way the application can pass/retrieve custom info to BasketIf, just like the 'custom' field in table 'order'?

Thanks a lot,
It rocks! :D
Now the only thing is I need to figure out how to auto copy /WEB-INF/classes/com/konakart to Tomcat webapps at deployment time. We use 'ant deploy'

Thank Brian saving us bunch of time.
We pulled the KK libs, and InsertOrder sample code to our app. The compilation was OK. However we got errors when running it:
java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name com.konakart.bl.modules.shipping.flat.Flat, locale en
java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name com.konakart.bl.modules.payment.chronopay.Chronopay, locale en

I checked kk admin, the Shipping and Payment modules are all enabled and Order is 0. Attached our test .java and Tomcat logs. We'd really appreciate your ideas!  8)

Thank Brian for the helpful guide.
For first method, can we not add new payment module since the payment gw only needs an URL and we can do it in JSP? However the saveOrder() appears to require a paymentMethod. Maybe just use COD?

Configuration of KonaKart / Add a new payment gateway
October 18, 2007, 02:47:29 am
Dear Team,

We'd try to add a new payment gateway. There are 2 ways for it. One is our app makes a URL with several parameters, then the customer is directed to the payment gateway website and finish the order. URL like

In this case, don't we need a new KK payment module? But the saveOrder() also requires an paymentMethod, how can we make it not using any payment module?

The second is like authorizenet, our app sends a http request to payment gw vendor and processes the response.

I tried to look at the FAQ, but still don't have compelete idea what's the required steps  to add it.
Do you have more detailed document for adding a new payment gateway?

This payment vendor is very big in Asia (similar to PayPal). I think we can contribute to KK when we are done.

Thanks in advance!
Installation of KonaKart / How to compile the examples
October 18, 2007, 02:20:38 am
Dear Team,

I noticed there is build.xml for soapexamples.

Do you also provide an easy way to compile other examples like InsertOrder, using POJO API?

Thanks in advance!
Programming of KonaKart / Re: User ID as Email
October 10, 2007, 02:59:33 pm

Honestly, since we are still in the evaluation stage of a shopping cart, we are probably not ready to pay right now.
We have to make sure the 3rd party software component matches our current needs and our engineers are comfortable with development on it.
After deciding to use it, we usually buy a support contract to make us confident. My job is to choose best quality/price ratio product to our management.

Thank again for reply,
Programming of KonaKart / Re: User ID as Email
October 10, 2007, 05:03:34 am
Thank Trevor. Though your email forwarding solution cannot apply to our case because many of our users may even don't have an email. They just want to buy some products from our website, and we cannot force them to register a new email for this purpose.

Quote from: trevor on October 09, 2007, 06:09:17 pm
...  You have a hook for such code at the point that order statuses change - see http://www.konakart.com/configurationfaq.php#how_can_i_make_something_happen_when_an

I looked the link above. It mentions ORDER_INTEGRATION_CLASS. So I need to change "Admin->Configuration>>Stock and Orders>>Order Integration Class" pointing to my class.
Can my class derive from com.konakart.bl.OrderIntegrationMgr, and reuse its saveOrder() method, plus my own logic? Do you have any samples?

I'd strongly suggest that in the later KK version, use Username as unique ID for login, and email as optional. Because in many countries, email is not so penetrated as in UK and US, esp for elder pepple.  I'm in US, but one of our project's big markets is in Asia. I need think again if KK is best for our application.

Please give what your managment thinks. Thank you!
Programming of KonaKart / Re: User ID as Email
October 09, 2007, 05:05:31 pm
Thank Trevor for quick reply.
I don't want to restrict that my users have to have their own email, because some of our users can be children or elder people.
When we evaluate KK, we found this feature is also critical for us.
If we decide to change code for sending email to Custom field, which class should we change or inherit? Any samples?

Programming of KonaKart / User ID as Email
October 09, 2007, 02:34:54 pm
Hi Team,

In KK, the unique ID for an user is the email. However, on our website, it's an Username and the email could be used for several users (e.g. all members in a family).
Is any workaround for this using KK?

Hi Team,

It's good that KK supports list of Countries and states/provinces for some countries on the registration page. However,
1) How can I add provinces for a country that doesn't have state/province list now? I see the Country table in database, but cannot find state/province table.
How does the Country and State selection work in RegisterCustomerBody.jsp?
What do you think to use CountryTag lib rather that a Country table in database?
2) It's nice that, on registration page, when user selects a Country, the State/Province edit box auto changes to dropbox for that country.
How can we do that if we don't use Struts (We use WebWork2)? Is AJAX or some other techniques involved?

Thanks in advance!
Configuration of KonaKart / Re: Login integration.
October 01, 2007, 06:36:45 pm
Thank Paolo for helpful info. I already got the OpenLaszb source. -Bruce