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Messages - anujbatra2788

Hi I am trying the same thing for konakart 6.3. For me the id returned is -10. Can you please advise what can be done for checking if the current user is a guest or logged in user.

Is it appropriate to determine that the user is guest if the ID is not negative for the customer
I tried having a look into the javadoc. However I want to get the manufacturer based on a custom field and not by name or id. I could not find any method in KKAdminEng. Also is there any programming guide other than the user guide for Konakart ?

Secondly, I am trying to create jobs in konakart. Is it possible to run jobs thorough command line rather than using quartz. Quartz is a good job scheduling mechanism but has an disadvantage over monitoring. Also are there any examples for jobs in Konakart distribution.

Sorry for asking too many things in a single go :D
Import and export for products, sku's, manufacturers etc.

I have downloaded the community edition of konakart. The import and export scripts are missing in the package.
Could anyone please provide some scripts
Programming of KonaKart / Getting details from Database
October 28, 2012, 07:45:42 pm

I am trying to fetch details of a manufacturer from Database but I am getting an error

java.lang.ClassCastException: com.konakart.om.Manufacturers cannot be cast to com.workingdogs.village.Record

My code is

                KKCriteria manufacturerCriteria = new KKCriteria(Torque.getDefaultDB());
      manufacturerCriteria.add(ManufacturersPeer.CUSTOM3, manufacturer.getManufacturerCode());
      List<Record> manufacturers = ManufacturersPeer.doSelect(manufacturerCriteria);
      if(manufacturers.size() > 0) {
         Record manufacture = manufacturers.get(0); Getting error at this line.
         return manufacture.getValue(ManufacturersPeer.MANUFACTURERS_ID).asInt();
      } else {
         return -1;

Can you please help me out

I am trying to create different properties file to configure different values for different environments.
like dev, test and prod will have different database url's

I have been successful for modifying it for e-commerce app but not for admin app.

In e-comerce app i am setting the environment at JVM args of app server and loading the struts config.xml like struts-config-${environment}.xml
but I am unable to find such a thing for admin app. Can you please advice how can I do so for admin app.

2. Also is it possible that I can place orders through admin app(built in) or I have to develop this custom functionality on my own ?