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No access permitted

Started by rahul.saraswat, September 15, 2014, 08:50:05 am

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Hi everyone,

I am getting an error on the my store status in admin. It says no access permitted for the graph. When I open reports section and try to run a report again it opens up the page but it says NO ACCESS PERMITTED on that page.

Can any one please help? Thanks in advance.

Thanks & Regards
Rahul Saraswat


It sounds like your configuration is wrong.

My guess is that the servlet that does the credential check can't access a database.

This should all be set up correctly following a standard wizard installation.  Did you install from a zip file?


Hi Ming,

Yes I installed it using zip file. I followed the instructions available on the konakart website. Can you please suggest in which file can be the problem? I have configured konakartadmin.properties and konakart.properties.

Rahul Saraswat


I really would recommend you use the wizard-driven installers... they do all sorts of configuration for you automatically so that you don't run into problems like these.

Is there some reason you can't use the wizard-driven installers?


Hi Ming,

I need to deploy it on a headless server so, I cannot use the wizard.

Rahul Saraswat


Yes that would make it a little more complicated but I would still advise that you use the silent installer using command line parameters...   The User Guide describes the options to specify.   I think it'll save you time in the long run.

I'm guessing but the likely cause of your problem is in the file /konaKart/webapps/birtviewer/reports/lib/konakart.rptlibrary

Check the definition of dbPropsFile in that file.


Thanks a lot Ming...I will make changes in the file u mentioned...

Thanks for your time...I really appreciate it...

Rahul saraswat


Hi Ming,

Sorry to bother you again. The path for "dbPropsFile" in the file /konaKart/webapps/birtviewer/reports/lib/konakart.rptlibrary is correct. Is there some other thing that I might be missing?

Thanks & Regards
Rahul Saraswat


Have you tried checking your birtviewer web.xml ?

I strongly recommend you use the wizard-installers or the silent installer to get your system configured correctly.

If you configure it manually from the zip file you risk stumbling from one misconfiguration to the next and wasting a lot of time.

The BIRT Viewer servlet needs access to the database in order to authenticate the user. The location of the properties file containing the database credentials is defined in the birtviewer web.xml in the          ViewerServlet servlet tag.