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KonaKart Shipping Modules

Started by ada_v, June 25, 2009, 10:42:42 am

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I have another problem :

- any shipping module that I installed not appers in the client-side application.
- I need to install the Table Rate Module but when I confirm the order, below the text please select the shipping method nothing appears.
- I tried also to install different modules and the behavior is the same



A part of the code from CatalogCheckoutDeliveryBody:

<%= orderMgr.getShippingQuotes() %>
<logic:notEmpty name="orderMgr"  property="shippingQuotes">
      <logic:iterate id="quote" name="orderMgr"  property="shippingQuotes" type="com.konakart.appif.ShippingQuoteIf">

- but the orderMgr.getShippingQuotes() is always 0.

I don' understand why!