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Tax Confusion

Started by egreenplace, May 09, 2008, 07:20:34 pm

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I was wondering how the tax thing works on KonaKart. I wanted to enter all the states in the United States, and assign each state a flat tax rate (independent of item type). So, I added Tax areas (all 50 states), then I added 7 tax rates entries for now just to test out. I tried to add things to my shopping cart and for some reason it was adding ALL taxes from all 7 states that I have in the Tax Rates page separated by +.

Why can't I set the tax rate for all 50 states individually, and then based on the state of the shopper it will grab the corresponding rate and apply? Am I missing something?

There is no need for compound tax in my application. Thank you.



Why can't I set the tax rate for all 50 states individually, and then based on the state of the shopper it will grab the corresponding rate and apply?

You can. What you need to do is :

  • Define tax areas for each state

  • Map the tax areas to the states

  • Define tax rates for each state and map the rate to the state tax area

  • Restart Tomcat just to ensure that caching doesn't get in the way



Can you set tax rates by city?



You can define a tax rate for a state. Maybe in your case you could let someone select a city and set the state automatically using some java script and even keep it invisible if it isn't required.


In Oklahoma each city has a different sales tax rate.  I only need to charge sales tax for Oklahoma residents.   Can I set a different sales tax rate per city?



I think that you can do it with some customizations.

You'll have to set up a different tax area for each city and then a different zone for each city. Finally you have to map the tax area, zone and country using the Tax Area Mapping panel in the admin app. In the UI you could detect that someone is from Oklahoma and then present them with a drop list of cities to choose from.

If there aren't too many different tax areas, maybe you could add the Oklahoma ones to the normal list of states and get away with no customizations. i.e. In your lists of states you could have California, Florida, Oklahoma - City, Oklahoma - Arcadia, Oklahoma - Bethany etc.