Table of Contents
By default, KonaKart is provided with Tomcat, but it is actually designed to be usable on any compliant J2EE Application Server. This section provides some notes to help you install and configure KonaKart on a selection of other leading Application Servers.
Most Application Servers give users a variety of choices for application deployment. Some like to import EARs, others prefer WAR files. Some Application Servers accept "exploded" directory structures as the source for deployment whereas others require "un-exploded" EAR or WAR files.
There is nothing in KonaKart that should prevent you from choosing the deployment system you prefer for your chosen Application Server.
In most cases the best way to begin is to run a complete installation of KonaKart from the GUI installer (or silent mode if you prefer), verifying and populating the database as part of this process. It can save you some time if you select the port number the target Application Server will use as the KonaKart port number during this installation process so that there is less configuration to do later on (for example, if your target Application Server is BEA WebLogic, you would choose to install KonaKart at port 7001).
Once KonaKart is installed you have the choice to use the expanded webapps for deployment or use the included ant build files to produce WAR and EAR files as you require.
In most cases, the easiest approach will be to use the ant scripts to produce an EAR file containing the 3 KonaKart webapps ( konakart , konakartadmin and birtviewer ). It can be advantageous to produce an EAR file as the whole application can be deployed in one go, rather than 3 separate WAR installations (which is, of course, perfectly possible, and may even be more-appropriate in some situations - see JBoss notes below).
To produce the EAR, (and the 3 WARs as a by-product), run the " ant make_ear " command in the " custom " directory of your KonaKart installation as in the example below:
For WebLogic add the "-Dweblogic=true" argument so that it builds a slightly-modified birtviewer War file that is compatible with WebLogic.
C:\KonaKart\custom>.\bin\ant make_ear Buildfile: build.xml clean_wars: [echo] Cleanup WARs... [echo] Cleanup EARs... make_wars: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\KonaKart\custom\war [echo] Create konakart.war [war] Building war: C:\KonaKart\custom\war\konakart.war [echo] Create konakartadmin.war [war] Building war: C:\KonaKart\custom\war\konakartadmin.war [echo] Create birtviewer.war [war] Building war: C:\KonaKart\custom\war\birtviewer.war make_ear: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\KonaKart\custom\ear [echo] Create konakart.ear [ear] Building ear: C:\KonaKart\custom\ear\konakart.ear [echo] Create exploded version of konakart.ear [mkdir] Created dir: C:\KonaKart\custom\konakart.ear [unzip] Expanding: C:\KonaKart\custom\ear\konakart.ear into C:\KonaKart\custom\konakart.ear [move] Moving 1 file to C:\KonaKart\custom\konakart.ear [move] Moving 1 file to C:\KonaKart\custom\konakart.ear [move] Moving 1 file to C:\KonaKart\custom\konakart.ear [unzip] Expanding: C:\KonaKart\custom\konakart.ear\birtviewer.war.tmp into C:\KonaKart\custom\konakart.ear\birtviewer.war [unzip] Expanding: C:\KonaKart\custom\konakart.ear\konakart.war.tmp into C:\KonaKart\custom\konakart.ear\konakart.war [unzip] Expanding: C:\KonaKart\custom\konakart.ear\konakartadmin.war.tmp into C:\KonaKart\custom\konakart.ear\konakartadmin.war BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 minute 0 seconds
In the following sections you will find guidance notes for installing KonaKart on selected Application Servers.
Note that from KonaKart v5.8.0.0 a java 1.6 (or later) runtime environment is required. Therefore KonaKart v5.8.0.0 will not run on App Servers which cannot support java 1.6 (or later) applications.
Note that from KonaKart v8.1.0.0 a java 1.7 (or later) runtime environment is required. Therefore KonaKart v8.1.0.0 will not run on App Servers which cannot support java 1.7 (or later) applications.
Note that from KonaKart v9.2.0.0 a java 1.8 (or later) runtime environment is required. Therefore KonaKart v9.2.0.0 will not run on App Servers which cannot support java 1.8 (or late) applications.
These general notes apply to installations on most application servers. Note any specific exceptions below in the sections dedicated to each Application Server.
In most cases the SOAP interfaces of KonaKart are disabled when the WARs are created for the application servers. It may be possible to configure the JAXWS SOAP interfaces to work in the other application servers but it's not a supported configuration.
Note that KonaKart v9.2.0.0 requires Java 8. Ensure that your application server can also be run with Java 8.
In the KonaKart Admin Application there is a feature that allows you to define a set of files to view and edit from the Admin App. The files that are made available to view and edit are defined in the XML file called konakart_config_files.xml . This control file must be available on the classpath of the KonaKart Admin Application. In the default installation that includes Tomcat, this file is set up with relative paths to various properties files. This is hardly ever appropriate for other application servers so if this feature is required, the control file must be updated to suite your environment.
Rather than use relative pathnames for these files, it is often easier to use full path names.
Some examples of file references are: (note that on Windows you must use forward rather than backward slashes)
<file> <displayName>KonaKart Properties File</displayName> <fileName> C:/Program Files/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/ installedApps/swindonNode01Cell/KonaKart.ear/konakart.war/WEB-INF/ classes/ </fileName> </file> (file name shown split over 3 lines but leave it on one line in the file)
WebSphere Community Edition:
<file> <displayName>KonaKart Properties File</displayName> <fileName> C:/Program Files/IBM/WebSphere/AppServerCommunityEdition/repository/default/ Application_KonaKart/1216389520400/ konakart.war/WEB-INF/classes/ </fileName> </file> (file name shown split over multiple lines but leave it on one line in the file)
JBoss: (for exploded deployments only)
<file> <displayName>KonaKart Properties File</displayName> <fileName> C:/jboss-4.2.2.GA/server/default/deploy/konakart.war/WEB-INF/ classes/ </fileName> </file> (file name shown split over 2 lines but leave it on one line in the file)
WebLogic: (for exploded deployments only)
<file> <displayName>KonaKart Properties File</displayName> <fileName> C:/KonaKart/custom/konakart.ear/konakart.war/ WEB-INF/classes/ </fileName> </file> (file name shown split over 2 lines but leave it on one line in the file)
<file> <displayName>KonaKart Properties File</displayName> <fileName> C:/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/konakart/ konakart_war/WEB-INF/classes/ </fileName> </file> (file name shown split over 2 lines but leave it on one line in the file)
If you use additional email properties (most people will not need to) you place these in a properties file called . You have to define this filename in the KonaKart Admin Application under the Configuration > Email Options panel. You have to specify the full path name here (for the KonaKart mail properties filename field.
Some examples of mail properties file references are: (note that on Windows you must use forward rather than backward slashes)
Tomcat Default:
Set the port number for reporting as required (set these using the KonaKart Admin App under the Configuration > Reports section). Use the standard HTTP port for your application server, eg. 8080 (Tomcat/JBoss), 7001 (WebLogic), 9080 (WebSphere) etc..
Set the location ( the " Report definitions base path ") of the reports to your chosen location. This can be anywhere on the disk that's accessible to your application server. This could be the location where you first installed KonaKart in order to produce the EAR files. If so, you can leave the default for this field.
Set the port number for the image base URL as required (set these using the KonaKart Admin App under the Configuration > Images section). Use the standard HTTP port for your application server, eg. 8080 (Tomcat/JBoss), 7001 (WebLogic), 9080 (WebSphere) etc..
In a similar fashion to the above, set the image base path to the appropriate location for your environment. Typically, this will be the images directory under your konakart webapp. Some examples:
Tomcat Default:
If you find that you run out of memory you will need to define more memory for your Application Server. This can be done in a variety of ways, so check the documentation for your chosen Application Server for setting memory flags.
When setting memory settings by defining values for CATALINA_OPTS or JAVA_OPTS you might need to set values such as these (but what you choose to set depends on your Java version):
-XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
(You may find you need different settings for your particular environment - there will be some different flags for different JVMs).
Some Application Servers allow you to define JVM parameters from within their Administrative Consoles. An example of this is WebSphere where you need to navigate to Server > Server Infrastructure > Java & Process Management > Process Defn then set your values for Maximum Heap Size (eg. 1024) and Initial Heap Size (eg. 512). (You may need require different settings to suit your own environment).