Class | Description |
AdminAddress |
Address object for the Admin App
AdminAddressFormat |
AddressFormat object for the Admin App
AdminAddressFormatSearch |
AddressFormatSearch object for the Admin App
AdminAddressFormatSearchResult |
AddressFormat Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminAddressSearch |
AdminAddressSearch object for the Admin App
AdminAddressSearchResult |
This is the object returned for API calls returning an array of AdminAddresses.
AdminApiCall |
ApiCall object for the Admin App
AdminAudit |
Audit object for the Admin App
AdminAuditSearch |
Allows you to enter search criteria for retrieving Audit objects
AdminAuditSearchResult |
Object that contains an array of AdminAudit objects together with size and offset information.
AdminBookableProduct |
A bookable product is an extension for a product containing attributes relevant to a bookable
product such as start and end dates and time slots for days of the week
AdminBookableProductOptions |
The AdminBookableProductOptions is used to define the behaviour of certain Bookable Product APIs
AdminBooking |
Booking object for the Admin App.
AdminBookingSearch |
BookingSearch object for the Admin App
AdminBookingSearchResult |
Booking Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminCatalog |
Catalog object for AdminApp
AdminCatalogRule |
Catalog Rule object
AdminCatalogSearch |
AdminCatalogSearch object
AdminCatalogSearchResult |
Catalog Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminCategory |
The AdminCategory
AdminCategoryDescription |
Category Description object for the Admin App
AdminCategoryToTagGroup |
The AdminCategoryToTagGroup
AdminCloneCustomerResult |
Clone Customer Result object
AdminCommonOptions |
Generic options object for the Admin APIs.
AdminConfigData |
AdminConfigData object for the Admin App
AdminConfigurationGroup |
This is the AdminConfiguratioGroup class.
AdminContent |
AdminContent class
AdminContentDescription |
AdminContentDescription class
AdminContentSearch |
AdminContentSearch object for the Admin App
AdminContentSearchResult |
Content Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminContentType |
ContentType class
AdminContentTypeDescription |
AdminContentTypeDescription class
AdminContentTypeSearch |
AdminContentTypeSearch object for the KonaKart Admin APIs
AdminContentTypeSearchResult |
Content Type Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminCopyProductOptions |
An object used to define options used when calling CopyProduct API calls
AdminCountry |
Country object for the Admin App
AdminCountrySearch |
CountrySearch object for the Admin App
AdminCountrySearchResult |
Country Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminCoupon |
The Coupon class contains information about the coupon which can be used to activate promotions
on an order.
AdminCouponSearch |
Coupon search object for the Admin App
AdminCouponSearchResult |
Coupon Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminCreateCatalogPriceOptions |
AdminCreateCatalogPriceOptions object for the Admin App
AdminCreateCatalogPricesResult |
Results object returned after creating catalog prices
AdminCreditCard |
AdminCreditCard Details
AdminCurrency |
Currency object for the Admin App
AdminCurrencySearch |
CurrencySearch object for the Admin App
AdminCurrencySearchResult |
Currency Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminCustomer |
Customer object for the Admin Apis
AdminCustomerGroup |
Object defining a customer group which is used to aggregate a number of customers normally to
apply promotions or to send communications.
AdminCustomerGroupSearch |
AdminCustomerGroupSearch object for the Admin App
AdminCustomerGroupSearchResult |
Customer Group Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminCustomerPasswordHistory |
AdminCustomerPasswordHistory object for the Admin Apis
AdminCustomerRegistration |
Customer Registration for the Admin App
AdminCustomerSearch |
CustomerSearch object for the Admin App
AdminCustomerSearchResult |
Customer Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminCustomerTag |
A customer tag is used to save customer related information used mainly for marketing purposes.
AdminCustomerTagSearch |
CustomerTagSearch object for the Admin App
AdminCustomerTagSearchResult |
Customer Tag Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminCustomValidator |
AdminCustomValidator object for holding some field validation rules
AdminCustomValidatorSet |
AdminCustomValidatorSet object for holding a set of custom validator objects.
AdminDataDescriptor |
The AdminDataDescriptor is used in some methods where an array of objects is returned.
AdminDataIntegrityOptions |
The AdminDataIntegrityOptions is used to define the Data Integrity checking that should be
AdminDBConnector |
Contains all of the parameters needed to connect to a DB
AdminDeleteCatalogOptions |
AdminDeleteCatalogOptions object for the Admin Engine
AdminDeleteCustomerResult |
Delete Customer Multi Store Result object
AdminDeletePromotionOptions |
The AdminDeletePromotionOptions is used to configure the functionality when deleting a promotion.
AdminDigitalDownload |
The Digital Download class contains information about which users have products to download.
AdminDigitalDownloadSearch |
AdminDigitalDownloadSearch object for the Admin App
AdminDigitalDownloadSearchResult |
Digital Download Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminDiscount |
Discount object for the Admin App
AdminEmail |
Email object for the Admin App
AdminEmailOptions |
An object used to configure options used when sending eMails from the AdminApp
AdminEngineConfig |
Used to configure the KonaKart Admin engine client when it is instantiated.
AdminExpression |
An expression is used to group combinations of expression variables
AdminExpressionSearch |
AdminExpressionSearch object for the Admin App
AdminExpressionSearchResult |
Expression Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminExpressionVariable |
An expression variable is part of an expression
AdminFile |
AdminFile object for the KonaKart Admin App
AdminFilter |
AdminFilter class
AdminFilterSearch |
AdminFilterSearch object for the Admin App
AdminFilterSearchResult |
Filter Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminGeoZone |
This is the AdminGeoZone class - it has geo zoneId, geo name, geo description.
AdminGeoZoneSearch |
AdminGeoZoneSearch object for the Admin App
AdminGeoZoneSearchResult |
AdminGeoZone Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminGetCustomerOptions |
Options available when fetching a customer
AdminImageOptions |
The AdminImageOptions is used to define the options for image APIs.
AdminInsertCatalogPriceOptions |
AdminInsertCatalogPriceOptions object for the Admin App
AdminIpnHistories |
Object that contains and array of AdminIpnHistory objects together with size and offset information.
AdminIpnHistory |
Contains the data received from an instant product notification from a payment gateway.
AdminIpnSearch |
Allows you to enter search criteria for retrieving AdminIpnHistory objects
AdminJob |
Scheduled Job Object
AdminJobStatusRequest |
Job Status Request Object
AdminJobStatusResponse |
Job Status Response Object
AdminKkMsg |
AdminKkMsg class
AdminKkMsgSearch |
AdminKkMsgSearch object
AdminKkMsgSearchResult |
kkMsg Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminLanguage |
Language object for AdminApp
AdminLanguageSearch |
AdminLanguageSearch object
AdminLanguageSearchResult |
Language Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminMailListOptions |
AdminMailListOptions object for the Admin App
AdminManufacturer |
Manufacturer object for the Admin App
AdminManufacturerInfo |
Manufacturer Info object for the Admin App
AdminManufacturerSearch |
Manufacturer Search object for the Admin App
AdminManufacturerSearchResult |
Manufacturer Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminMessageSet |
AdminMessageSet object for holding a set of message strings in a particular language
AdminMiscItem |
MiscItem object for the Admin Engine
AdminMiscItemSearchResult |
Misc Item Search Results object for the Admin Engine
AdminMiscItemType |
MiscItemType object for the Admin Engine
AdminMiscPrice |
Misc Price object for the Admin APIs
AdminMiscPriceSearch |
Misc Price Search object for the Admin APIs
AdminNameValue |
Used to contain a name value pair - admin version
AdminNewStoreOptions |
Options for creating new stores
AdminOption |
Option object for the Admin App
AdminOrder |
Order object for the Admin App
AdminOrderProduct |
OrderProduct object for the Admin App
AdminOrderRefund |
AdminOrderRefund object
AdminOrderRefundSearch |
Allows you to enter search criteria for retrieving Order Refund objects
AdminOrderRefundSearchResult |
Object that contains an array of AdminOrderRefund objects together with size and offset
AdminOrderReturn |
AdminOrderReturn object
AdminOrderReturnProduct |
AdminOrderReturnProduct object.
AdminOrderReturnSearch |
Allows you to enter search criteria for retrieving Order Return objects
AdminOrderReturnSearchResult |
Object that contains an array of AdminOrderReturn objects together with size and offset
AdminOrderReturnStatus |
Contains the status of an admin order return for a given language
AdminOrderReturnStatusSearch |
OrderReturnStatusSearch object for the Admin App
AdminOrderReturnStatusSearchResult |
OrderReturnStatus Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminOrderSearch |
AdminOrderSearch object for the Admin App.
AdminOrderSearchResult |
Order Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminOrderShipment |
AdminOrderShipment object
AdminOrderShipmentProduct |
AdminOrderShipmentProduct object.
AdminOrderShipmentSearch |
Allows you to enter search criteria for retrieving Order Shipment objects
AdminOrderShipmentSearchResult |
Object that contains an array of AdminOrderShipment objects together with size and offset
AdminOrderStatus |
Contains valid order status.
AdminOrderStatusHistory |
OrderStatusHistory object for the Admin App
AdminOrderStatusName |
Contains the name of an order status for a given language.
AdminOrderStatusNameSearch |
OrderStatusSearch object for the Admin App
AdminOrderStatusNameSearchResult |
OrderStatus Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminOrderTotal |
CustomerSearch object for the Admin App
AdminOrderUpdate |
AdminOrderUpdate object for the Admin App
AdminPanel |
Panel object for the Admin App
AdminPaymentOptions |
Payment options which is passed to the admin payment module.
AdminPaymentSchedule |
Defines the details of a payment schedule for recurring billing.
AdminPaymentScheduleSearch |
PaymentScheduleSearch object for the Admin App
AdminPaymentScheduleSearchResult |
Payment Schedule Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminPdfOptions |
AdminPdfOptions object for the Admin App
AdminPdfResult |
PDF Results object for the Admin App
AdminProdAttrDesc |
A Product Attribute Descriptor is used to store metadata for a custom product attribute
AdminProdAttrDescOptions |
AdminProdAttrDescOptions object for the Admin App
AdminProdAttrDescSearch |
ProdAttrDescSearch object for the Admin App
AdminProdAttrDescSearchResult |
ProdAttrDescSearchResult object for the Admin App
AdminProdAttrTemplate |
A Product Attribute Template is used to group product attributes for a product
AdminProdAttrTemplateSearch |
ProdAttrTemplateSearch object for the Admin App
AdminProdAttrTemplateSearchResult |
ProdAttrTemplateSearchResult object for the Admin App
AdminProdOptionValToProdOption |
Product Option Value to Product Option object for the Admin App
AdminProduct |
Product object for the Admin App
AdminProductAttribute |
Product Option object for the Admin App
AdminProductDescription |
Product description object for the Admin App
AdminProductFeedItem |
Product Feed object for the Admin App
AdminProductMgrOptions |
An object used to define options used when calling ProductMgr API calls
AdminProductNotification |
ProductNotification object for the Admin App
AdminProductOption |
Product Option object for the Admin App
AdminProductOptionSearch |
Product Option Search object for the Admin App
AdminProductOptionSearchResult |
ProductOption Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminProductOptionValue |
Option object for the Admin App
AdminProductPrice |
Product Price
AdminProductQuantity |
Product Quantity object which contains the quantity of a product for different option value
AdminProductRelationship |
An object that contains relationship data for a relation between two products
AdminProducts |
Object that contains and array of AdminProduct objects together with size and offset information.
AdminProductSearch |
Allows you to enter search criteria for retrieving AdminProduct objects
AdminProductToProduct |
ProductToProducte object for the Admin App
AdminProductToStore |
ProductToStore object for the Admin App
AdminPromotion |
This is the Promotion class - it contains information about the promotion; links it to the Order
Total module that is used to calculate the promotion, and identifies to what products and
customers the promotion applies.
AdminPromotionSearch |
Promotion search object for the Admin App
AdminPromotionSearchResult |
Promotion Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminPublishConfig |
The AdminPublishConfig object is used to define Data Feed Publishing functions.
AdminReport |
AdminReport object for the KonaKart Admin App
AdminReview |
A review object for the Admin App
AdminReviews |
Object that contains and array of AdminReview objects together with size and offset information.
AdminReviewSearch |
AdminReviewSearch object
AdminRewardPoint |
Reward point object for the Admin App
AdminRewardPointSearch |
Allows you to enter search criteria for retrieving AdminRewardPoint objects
AdminRewardPointSearchResult |
RewardPoint Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminRole |
Role object for the Admin App
AdminScaleOptions |
The AdminScaleOptions is used to define the options used for scaling APIs.
AdminSearch |
Generic Search object for the Admin App.
AdminSearchRule |
Admin Search Rule object for containing the search rule of a search constraint
AdminShipper |
Shipper object for AdminApp
AdminShipperSearch |
ShipperSearch object for the Admin App
AdminShipperSearchResult |
Shipper Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminShippingQuote |
Shipping Quote object for the Admin App
AdminSpecial |
When linked to an AdminProduct, it defines a special price for that product.
AdminStore |
A KonaKart Store definition
AdminStoreSearch |
StoreSearch object for the Admin App
AdminStoreSearchResult |
Store Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminSubscription |
Defines a recurring billing subscription.
AdminSubscriptionSearch |
SubscriptionSearch object for the Admin App
AdminSubscriptionSearchResult |
Subscription Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminSubZone |
This is the AdminSubZone class
AdminSubZoneSearch |
AdminZoneSearch object for the Admin App
AdminSubZoneSearchResult |
AdminZone Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminSuggestion |
AdminSuggestion class
AdminSuggestionSearchResult |
AdminSuggestionSearchResult object for the Admin App
AdminSynchProductsOptions |
An object used to define options used when synchronizing products between stores
AdminTag |
Admin Tags
AdminTagConstraint |
Used to add one or more tag constraints to a customer search.
AdminTagGroup |
Admin Tag Groups
AdminTagGroupSearchResult |
TagGroups Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminTagGroupToTag |
Admin Tag Group to Tag
AdminTagInnerConstraint |
An AdminTagConstraint object can have one or more of these objects in an array.
AdminTagSearchResult |
Tag Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminTaxClass |
Tax Class - holds objects such as "Taxable Goods" (which is the only row by default) for the
Admin App
No multi-language support is provided for this in osCommerce
AdminTaxClassSearch |
TaxClassSearch object for the Admin App
AdminTaxClassSearchResult |
TaxClass Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminTaxRate |
Tax Rate object for the Admin App
AdminTaxRateSearch |
TaxRateSearch object for the Admin App
AdminTaxRateSearchResult |
TaxRate Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminTierPrice |
Tier Price object that contains the price for different quantities
AdminUpdateCustomerOptions |
Options available when updating a customer
AdminVariantPrice | |
AdminVendor |
A KonaKart Vendor definition
AdminVendorSearch |
VendorSearch object for the Admin App
AdminVendorSearchResult |
Vendor Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminWishList |
AdminWishList class
AdminWishListItem |
AdminWishListItem class
AdminWishLists |
This is the object returned for API calls returning an array of AdminWishLists.
AdminWishListSearch |
AdminWishListSearch object for the Admin App
AdminZone |
This is the AdminZone class - it has zoneId, countryId, code and name.
AdminZoneSearch |
AdminZoneSearch object for the Admin App
AdminZoneSearchResult |
AdminZone Search Results object for the Admin App
AdminZonesToGeoZones |
This is the AdminZonesToGeoZones class - it maps zones to geo zones
KKConfiguration |
Configuration object for the Admin App
KKModule |
A KKModule (payment, shipping, or order total) for the Admin application
PublishData |
The PublishData is used to store non-product data that is required for publishing products to
external systems.
XmlIoDataConfig |
Class that contains configuration parameters to configure the import/export of data from the
KonaKart database.
Exception | Description |
KKAdminException |
An exception in the Admin App
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