public class AdminCustomerBatchMgr extends AdminBatchBaseMgr
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
protected class |
A return object containing a list of Customers and the last customer Id processed
adminEng, baseMgrMutex, baseStaticDataHM, cDataEnd, cDataStart, debugStackTraceExclusions, kkAdminPropsFilePath, kkConf, kkInstanceId, mgrFactory, STORE_ID, templateBaseDir
Constructor and Description |
AdminCustomerBatchMgr(KKAdminIf eng) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
countCustomersBatch(java.lang.String logName,
java.lang.String appendLogStr,
java.lang.String sessId)
This batch is a simple example that can be used to demonstrate how the ExecuteMultiStoreBatch
class can be used to execute batch jobs for each store.
protected int |
deleteCustomer(AdminCustomer cust,
com.konakart.db.KKCriteria sessionCrit,
com.konakart.db.KKCriteria sessionDelCrit,
AdminCustomerMgrIf custMgr) |
void |
deleteTemporaryDataBatch(java.lang.String logName,
java.lang.String appendLogStr,
java.lang.String numDaysStr,
java.lang.String cookieBlockSizeStr)
This batch is used to delete temporary data in order to keep your KonaKart store running
void |
expiredRewardPointBatch(java.lang.String logName,
java.lang.String appendLogStr,
java.lang.String numDaysStr)
This batch is used to expire reward points after a certain time limit, which is entered as a
number of days in the
numDays parameter. |
protected com.konakart.db.KKCriteria |
getCustomerCriteria(int size,
int[] permanentCustTypes)
Get the criteria object to search for customers
protected AdminCustomerBatchMgr.CustRetList |
getCustomers(com.konakart.db.KKCriteria c,
int custId)
The method returns a null list within the return object when all of the customers have been
protected java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,AdminCustomerTag> |
getCustomerTagsHash(int customerId,
java.util.Set<java.lang.String> tagsToUpdate,
AdminCustomerTagMgrIf tagMgr)
Get the customer tags for the specified customerId.
protected java.lang.String |
getGenderValueFromCustomer(AdminCustomer cust, bw) |
protected com.konakart.db.KKCriteria |
getLiteCustomerCriteria(int size)
Get the criteria object to retrieve customers
protected java.lang.String |
getNewsletterValue(AdminCustomer cust) |
protected com.konakart.db.KKCriteria |
Get the criteria object to search for a customer's session
protected java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> |
getTagsFromAllOrders(AdminCustomer cust) |
protected java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> |
getTagsFromLastOrder(AdminCustomer cust) |
int |
Utility method to return the current time in seconds
protected java.util.List<AdminOrder> |
getUnpaidOrders(com.konakart.db.KKCriteria c)
The method returns null when all of the orders have been read.
protected boolean |
hasSessionExpired(int expiryInSecs) |
protected void |
insertOrUpdateCustomerTag(java.lang.String tagName,
java.lang.String tagValue,
AdminCustomer cust,
AdminBatchBaseMgr.CustTagCounter count,
AdminCustomerTagMgrIf tagMgr, bw) |
java.lang.String |
removeExpiredCustomersBatch(java.lang.String logName,
java.lang.String appendLogStr,
java.lang.String recordFetchSizeStr,
java.lang.String permanentCustTypesStr)
Each existing customer is read from the database in a loop, and for each customer object we
detect whether it has one or more expired session records and no non expired record.
java.lang.String |
resetAggregateOrderTotalCustomerTag(java.lang.String logName,
java.lang.String appendLogStr)
This batch job should be run at regular intervals (e.g.
java.lang.String |
updateCustomerTagsBatch(java.lang.String logName,
java.lang.String appendLogStr,
java.lang.String recordFetchSizeStr)
This is an example of how you might update Customer Tags in a batch job.
java.lang.String |
updateSummaryCustomerTagsBatch(java.lang.String logName,
java.lang.String appendLogStr,
java.lang.String recordFetchSizeStr)
This is an example of how you might update Summary Customer Tags in a batch job.
ensureCustomerTagIsPresent, getAdEngConf, getAdminJsonEngine, getBatchLogName, getBoolean, getCustomerTagsHash, getInt, getIntArray, getIntArray, getLiteCustomers, getLogName, getOrders, getSkuForProduct, insertOrUpdateCustomerTag, trimMultiTag, validateTemplate
addInsertAttr, addInsertAttr, addStringRuleConstraint, addStringRuleConstraint, checkAPICallEnabled, checkIntInRange, checkIntIsSet, checkRequired, executeQuery, executeQuery, getAdminAddressMgr, getAdminAuditMgr, getAdminBillingMgr, getAdminBookableProductMgr, getAdminCatMgr, getAdminConfigMgr, getAdminContentMgr, getAdminCurrMgr, getAdminCustMgr, getAdminCustPwdHistMgr, getAdminCustTagMgr, getAdminEmailMgr, getAdminEng, getAdminEngineCacheMgr, getAdminEventMgr, getAdminExecuteMgr, getAdminFileMgr, getAdminFilterMgr, getAdminHtmlMgr, getAdminImportMgr, getAdminLanguageMgr, getAdminManuMgr, getAdminMessageMgr, getAdminMiscItemMgr, getAdminMiscPriceMgr, getAdminModulesMgr, getAdminMultiStoreMgr, getAdminOrderMgr, getAdminPdfMgr, getAdminProdAttrMgr, getAdminProdMgr, getAdminPromMgr, getAdminReviewMgr, getAdminSearchRuleMgr, getAdminSecMgr, getAdminServletMgr, getAdminShipmentMgr, getAdminSolrMgr, getAdminStoreMgr, getAdminSuggestionMgr, getAdminTagMgr, getAdminTaxMgr, getAdminValidationMgr, getAdminVelocityContextMgr, getAdminWishListMgr, getBooleanFromString, getDebugStackTraceExclusions, getEmailThreadGracefulShutdownTimeout, getExportMgr, getExportMgr, getExportXMLData, getIntFromString, getKkAdminPropsFilePath, getKkConfig, getKkInstanceId, getMode, getModeString, getMqMgr, getNewCriteria, getNewCriteria, getNewCriteria, getNewCriteria, getOtherModuleByName, getPostSearchText, getPreSearchText, getProductsToCategoresCriteria, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValueAsBool, getPropertyValueAsInt, getPropertyValueAsLong, getRecordCount, getRecordCount, getRewardPointMgr, getSingleIntResult, getStoreId, getTemplate, getTemplateBase, getXml_io, init, insertKKEvent, insertKKEvent, isBusiness, isBusinessOrEnterprise, isCommunity, isConfigSet, isEnterprise, isMultiStoreLanguagesShared, isMultiStoreMode, isMultiStoreShareCategories, isMultiStoreShareCustomers, isMultiStoreShareCustomersOrProducts, isMultiStoreShareProducts, isMultiStoreSingleDBCSMode, isMultiStoreSingleDBMode, isMultiStoreSingleDBNonCSMode, isUnix, isWindows, manageException, manageThrowable, refreshConfigs, removeCData, sendMQMessages, setAdminEng, setDebugStackTraceExclusions, setKkAdminPropsFilePath, setupWildCardRules, setWildCardAfter, setWildCardBefore, shutdownGracefully, shutdownGracefully, timestampStr, updateStaticVariablesNow
public AdminCustomerBatchMgr(KKAdminIf eng) throws java.lang.Exception
- the engjava.lang.Exception
- an unexpected exceptionpublic java.lang.String removeExpiredCustomersBatch(java.lang.String logName, java.lang.String appendLogStr, java.lang.String recordFetchSizeStr, java.lang.String permanentCustTypesStr) throws java.lang.Exception
- The name of the log which shouldn't include the path or extension. i.e. It should
be myLog rather than /logs/myLog.txt.appendLogStr
- If set to false, a new log will be created every time the batch job is run.
Otherwise new data will be appended to the existing log. It defaults to false.recordFetchSizeStr
- It the batch involves reading many records in a loop, this determines the maximum
number read in any one loop. It defaults to 100.permanentCustTypesStr
- An array of customer types that won't be deleted. They are in a format "3-6-8"
where "-" is a delimiter between the
- an unexpected exceptionprotected int deleteCustomer(AdminCustomer cust, com.konakart.db.KKCriteria sessionCrit, com.konakart.db.KKCriteria sessionDelCrit, AdminCustomerMgrIf custMgr) throws java.lang.Exception
protected boolean hasSessionExpired(int expiryInSecs)
protected AdminCustomerBatchMgr.CustRetList getCustomers(com.konakart.db.KKCriteria c, int custId) throws java.lang.Exception
- the ccustId
- the customerId (only customers with customerId greater than this will be returned)java.lang.Exception
- an unexpected exceptionprotected com.konakart.db.KKCriteria getSessionCriteria()
protected com.konakart.db.KKCriteria getCustomerCriteria(int size, int[] permanentCustTypes)
- the sizepermanentCustTypes
- the permanentCustTypespublic void expiredRewardPointBatch(java.lang.String logName, java.lang.String appendLogStr, java.lang.String numDaysStr) throws java.lang.Exception
parameter. The expired attribute of each expired
reward points record is set to non zero by the batch.logName
- The name of the log which shouldn't include the path or extension. i.e. It should
be myLog rather than /logs/myLog.txt.appendLogStr
- If set to false, a new log will be created every time the batch job is run.
Otherwise new data will be appended to the existing log. It defaults to false.numDaysStr
- If current time - numDays is greater than the date when the reward point
transaction was added, then the points added in that transaction are
- an unexpected exceptionpublic void deleteTemporaryDataBatch(java.lang.String logName, java.lang.String appendLogStr, java.lang.String numDaysStr, java.lang.String cookieBlockSizeStr) throws java.lang.Exception
- The name of the log which shouldn't include the path or extension. i.e. It should
be myLog rather than /logs/myLog.txt.appendLogStr
- If set to false, a new log will be created every time the batch job is run.
Otherwise new data will be appended to the existing log. It defaults to false.numDaysStr
- kk_cookie records are deleted if current time - numDays is greater than the date
when the cookie was last read or actually created (for the case when it has never
been read).cookieBlockSizeStr
- The number of kk_cookie records read and deleted at a time using an IN clause. A
good starting value for this parameter is 250. It can be increased in order to
speed up the batch job if there are many kk_cookie records to
- an unexpected exceptionpublic int getTimeInSecs()
protected java.util.List<AdminOrder> getUnpaidOrders(com.konakart.db.KKCriteria c) throws java.lang.Exception
- the cjava.lang.Exception
- an unexpected exceptionpublic void countCustomersBatch(java.lang.String logName, java.lang.String appendLogStr, java.lang.String sessId) throws java.lang.Exception
It simply counts the number of customers in the store and writes out this number.
- The name of the log which shouldn't include the path or extension. i.e. It should
be myLog rather than /logs/myLog.txt.appendLogStr
- If set to false, a new log will be created every time the batch job is run.
Otherwise new data will be appended to the existing log. It defaults to false.sessId
- The sessionId. The sessionId is a special parameter defined in the
konakart_jobs.xml file. If a parameter is defined with value "SESSION_ID",
KonaKart will replace this value with the sessionId of the logged in
- an unexpected exceptionpublic java.lang.String updateCustomerTagsBatch(java.lang.String logName, java.lang.String appendLogStr, java.lang.String recordFetchSizeStr) throws java.lang.Exception
Each existing customer is read from the database in a loop, and for each customer object we update the IS_MALE customer tags if is has changed or we insert it if it isn't present.
This is a somewhat trivial example but is expected to be extended to suit specific requirements for a store.
- The name of the log which shouldn't include the path or extension. i.e. It should
be myLog rather than /logs/myLog.txt.appendLogStr
- If set to false, a new log will be created every time the batch job is run.
Otherwise new data will be appended to the existing log. It defaults to false.recordFetchSizeStr
- It the batch involves reading many records in a loop, this determines the maximum
number read in any one loop. It defaults to
- an unexpected exceptionprotected java.lang.String getGenderValueFromCustomer(AdminCustomer cust, bw) throws
protected void insertOrUpdateCustomerTag(java.lang.String tagName, java.lang.String tagValue, AdminCustomer cust, AdminBatchBaseMgr.CustTagCounter count, AdminCustomerTagMgrIf tagMgr, bw) throws KKAdminException, org.apache.torque.TorqueException, java.text.ParseException, com.workingdogs.village.DataSetException,
protected com.konakart.db.KKCriteria getLiteCustomerCriteria(int size)
in class AdminBatchBaseMgr
- the number of records to retrieve at a timepublic java.lang.String resetAggregateOrderTotalCustomerTag(java.lang.String logName, java.lang.String appendLogStr) throws java.lang.Exception
- The name of the log which shouldn't include the path or extension. i.e. It should
be myLog rather than /logs/myLog.txt.appendLogStr
- If set to false, a new log will be created every time the batch job is run.
Otherwise new data will be appended to the existing log. It defaults to
- an unexpected exceptionpublic java.lang.String updateSummaryCustomerTagsBatch(java.lang.String logName, java.lang.String appendLogStr, java.lang.String recordFetchSizeStr) throws java.lang.Exception
Each existing customer is read from the database in a loop, and for each customer object we update a number of summary customer tags.
- The name of the log which shouldn't include the path or extension. i.e. It should
be myLog rather than /logs/myLog.txt.appendLogStr
- If set to false, a new log will be created every time the batch job is run.
Otherwise new data will be appended to the existing log. It defaults to false.recordFetchSizeStr
- It the batch involves reading many records in a loop, this determines the maximum
number read in any one loop. It defaults to
- an unexpected exceptionprotected java.lang.String getNewsletterValue(AdminCustomer cust)
protected java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getTagsFromLastOrder(AdminCustomer cust) throws java.lang.Exception
protected java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getTagsFromAllOrders(AdminCustomer cust) throws java.lang.Exception
protected java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,AdminCustomerTag> getCustomerTagsHash(int customerId, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> tagsToUpdate, AdminCustomerTagMgrIf tagMgr) throws org.apache.torque.TorqueException, KKAdminException, com.workingdogs.village.DataSetException
- the customerIdtagsToUpdate
- a set of tag names that we wish to updatetagMgr
- the AdminCustomerTagMgrorg.apache.torque.TorqueException
- an unexpected exception in the database layerKKAdminException
- an unexpected exception in the KKAdmin enginecom.workingdogs.village.DataSetException
- an unexpected exception in the database layerCopyright © 2018 DS Data Systems UK Ltd.