The Enterprise version of KonaKart contains sophisticated
marketing functionality that
allows you to capture customer data as the
customer uses your KonaKart eCommerce store; and
to use that data
within complex expressions in order to show dynamic content, activate
promotions, create mailing lists and send eMail communications.
A customer tag is an entity that can be associated with a
customer (guest or logged in)
and given a value for that customer. The
best way of understanding what this really
means is to look at the
tags included in the standard KonaKart installation.
- PRODUCTS_VIEWED - A list of the most recently viewed
CATEGORIES_VIEWED - A list of the most recently viewed
MANUFACTURERS_VIEWED - A list of the most recently viewed
- PRODUCTS_IN_CART - A list of products in the shopping cart
- PRODUCTS_IN_WISHLIST - A list of products in the wish list
SEARCH_STRING - The search string of the last product
search made by the
- COUNTRY_CODE - The code of the customer's country
- CART_TOTAL - The currency total of the shopping cart
- WISHLIST_TOTAL - The currency total of the wish list
- BIRTH_DATE - When the customer was born
- LOGIN_DATE - Date of the last successful login
- IS_MALE - The sex of the customer
PROD_PAGE_SIZE - The number of products shown on a page in
list view
ORDER_PAGE_SIZE - The number of orders shown on a page in
list view
REVIEW_PAGE_SIZE - The number of reviews shown on a page
in list view
They tend to be used to keep track of a customer's actions in
the storefront
application (i.e. what products have been looked at,
what products are in the wish list,
what the customer has searched for
etc.) and to store information about the customer
such as whether he
is male or female and what country he lives in. New customer tags can
easily be added to store whatever information is important for your
requirements. If you create a new tag, for example, to keep
track of how many orders the
customer has placed in the last 6 months,
then you also need to create a way of
populating the tag value for
each customer. In this example you could use a scheduled
batch job
that runs once a day.
Tags have a name, a description (used in the expression builder)
and a type which can
STRING_TYPE - The tag value is in the format of a String.
i.e. To store the
country from which the store is being accessed.
INT_TYPE - The tag type is in the format of an int. i.e.
To save the product id
of the last product viewed by the customer.
MULTI_INT_TYPE - The tag type allows the tag to store an
array of ints. When
this type is selected, the Max Number of Ints
attribute determines the maximum
number of ints in the array. i.e.
To store the ids of the last 5 products viewed
by the customer.
DECIMAL_TYPE - The tag type is in the format of a decimal.
i.e. To store the
value of all items in the basket.
DATE_TYPE - The tag type is in the format of a date. In an
expression it can
be used to compare the stored date with another
chosen date.
BOOLEAN_TYPE - The tag type is in the format of a boolean.
i.e. To store the
customer gender. The tag could be named IS_MALE
and take values of true or
AGE_TYPE - The tag type is used to store dates. Unlike the
can compare dates, this tag is used when in an
expression you want
to act on the elapsed time (or age) of an event.
i.e. To store the
date of the last login for the customer so you can
take action if a
customer hasn't logged in for two weeks.
Alternatively you could
store the age of a customer to offer
promotions to certain age