Table of Contents
An order is always created using the KonaKart APIs (not the KonaKart Admin APIs) whenever a customer checks out. Typically, the order is saved in the database before payment in order to capture payment details even if the payment is not successful.
As an order goes through its lifecycle, it may change state many times. Each time a state change occurs, this information is added to the order so that a complete history trail of state changes is maintained. Also whenever an order changes state, callback methods in the OrderIntegrationMgr or AdminOrderIntegrationMgr are called so that custom code may be run. The state of an order may be changed either using the KonaKart or KonaKart Admin APIs.
The available order states may be managed through the Admin App. If you require states that aren’t present in the default database, you may add your own. When inserting your own states, it’s important to use an id of 100 or above since the first 99 id numbers are reserved for future KonaKart functionality.