Interface | Description |
AddressIf |
Used to contain the address of a customer.
AddrValidationResultIf |
An object returned by address verification with the result of the verification.
AddToBasketOptionsIf |
An object used to contain options used when adding items to the basket.
AddToWishListOptionsIf |
An object used to contain options used when adding items to the basket.
BasketIf |
One basket object corresponds to an item in the shopping cart.
BookableProductIf |
A bookable product is an extension for a product containing attributes relevant to a bookable
product such as start and end dates and time slots for days of the week
BookableProductOptionsIf |
The BookableProductOptions is used to define the behaviour of certain Bookable Product APIs
BookingIf |
The Booking class contains information about bookings made for the bookable product.
BookingsIf |
This is normally the object returned for API calls returning an array of Bookings.
CaptchaInputIf |
An object passed to an external login module in order to perform a login
CaptchaResultIf |
An object returned by address verification with the result of the verification.
CatalogIf |
Catalog object interface
CategoryIf |
Describes a category of products.
CategoryTreeOptionsIf |
An object used to contain options used when retrieving Category Trees
ConfigDataIf |
Describes a ConfigData for use within KonaKart
ContentDescriptionIf |
ContentDescription interface
ContentIf |
Describes a Content object for use within KonaKart.
ContentSearchIf |
ContentSearchIf interface
ContentSearchResultIf |
Content Search Results interface
ContentTypeDescriptionIf |
ContentTypeDescription interface
ContentTypeIf |
ContentType interface
CountryIf |
Describes a country for use within KonaKart.
CouponIf |
The Coupon class contains information about the coupon which can be used to activate promotions
on an order.
CouponOptionsIf |
The CouponOptions object is passed to the getCoupon() API call to configure the behavior of the
CreateOrderOptionsIf |
An object used to contain options used when creating an order from an array of basket items.
CreditCardIf |
CreditCard Details
CreditCardOptionsIf |
The CreditCardOptions is used to define the behaviour of certain Credit Card related APIs
CurrencyIf |
Describes a currency for use within KonaKart.
CustomerEventIf |
A customer event is used to save customer related event information used mainly for statistical
CustomerGroupIf |
Details of a KonaKart customer group.
CustomerIf |
Details of a KonaKart customer.
CustomerRegistrationIf |
Contains information required to register a customer.
CustomerSearchIf |
Contains information required to search for a customer.
CustomerTagIf |
A customer tag is used to save customer related information used mainly for marketing purposes.
DataDescriptorIf |
Contains information required to manage engine calls that return an array of data.
DigitalDownloadIf |
The Digital Download class contains information about which customers are enabled to download
EditCustomerOptionsIf |
Options available when editing a customer
EmailIf |
The interface of an object used to describe the content of an eMail.
EmailOptionsIf |
The interface of an object used to configure options used when sending eMails.
EngineConfigIf |
Used to configure the KonaKart engine when instantiated
ExportOrderOptionsIf |
The object used as an argument to the Order Export API calls
ExportOrderResponseIf |
The response from the exportOrder API call
ExpressionIf |
Describes an expression object
ExpressionVariableIf |
Describes an expression variable object
ExternalLoginInputIf |
An object passed to an external login module in order to perform a login
ExternalLoginResultIf |
An object returned by an external login module such as FacebookLogin
FetchCustomerOptionsIf |
Options available when fetching a customer
FetchDigitalDownloadOptionsIf |
An object used to define options used when reading a customer's digital downloads from the
FetchOrderOptionsIf |
Options available when fetching orders
FetchProductOptionsIf |
An object used to define options used when reading one or more products from the database
FetchPromotionOptionsIf |
An object used to define options used when reading a promotion from the database
FetchRewardPointOptionsIf |
An object used to define options used when reading a customer's reward points from the database.
FetchTagGroupOptionsIf |
An object used to define options used when reading tag groups from the database
GeoZoneIf |
Describes a tax zone.
IpnHistoryIf |
IPN stands for Instant Product Notification.
KKConfigurationIf |
Used to contain a configuration property.
KKCookieIf |
The KKCookie class is used to store and retrieve information from the KK_Cookie database table.
KKEngIf |
Describes all of the API calls to the KonaKart server engine.
KKEventIf |
Describes a KKEvent for use within KonaKart
KKEventSearchIf |
Contains information required to specify search constraints for Events.
KKFacetIf |
The KKFacet class is used to store the name and number of a facet as well as the values.
KkMsgIf |
Describes a KkMsg for use within KonaKart.
KKPriceFacetIf |
The KKPriceFacet class is used to store the price facet information returned by a Solr search.
LanguageIf |
Describes a language for use within KonaKart
LanguageSearchIf |
Contains information required to search for a language.
LoginInputIf |
An object containing required data to perform a login
LoginResultIf |
An object containing the result of a login
ManufacturerIf |
Describes a manufacturer of products in the KonaKart catalog.
ManufacturerSearchIf |
Contains information required to specify search constraints for Manufacturers.
MiscItemIf |
Describes a Miscellaneous item, an array of which may be attached to a Product and to a Category.
MiscPriceIf |
MiscPrice object
MqOptionsIf |
The object used as an argument to the MQ API calls
MqResponseIf |
The object used as a return object from the MQ API calls
NameNumberIf |
Generic class used to contain a name number pair.
NameValueIf |
Generic class used to contain a name value pair.
NotificationOptionsIf |
The BookableProductOptions is used to define the behaviour of certain Bookable Product APIs
OptionIf |
A product contains an array of these option objects.
OrderIf |
Contains all data required to describe an order for use within KonaKart.
OrderProductIf |
Links an order to a product.
OrderSearchIf |
Contains information used to search for orders
OrderShipmentIf |
OrderShipment object
OrderShipmentProductIf |
OrderShipmentProduct object.
OrdersIf |
This is normally the object returned for API calls returning an array of orders.
OrderStatusHistoryIf |
An order may have an array of these OrderStatusHistory objects to log the life cycle of the
OrderStatusIf |
Contains text in different languages to describe the state of an order.
OrderTotalIf |
An order may have an array of OrderTotal objects.
OrderUpdateIf |
Contains data for an order update
PaymentDetailsIf |
An order may have a PaymentDetails object to describe the payment method.
PaymentOptionsIf |
Payment options which is passed to the admin payment module.
PaymentScheduleIf |
Defines the details of a payment schedule for recurring billing.
PdfOptionsIf |
Options when producing a PDF document.
PdfResultIf |
The result of an API call to get a PDF document.
PriceFacetOptionsIf |
Used to configure the faceting of prices when using Solr.
ProdCustAttrIf |
A Custom product attribute object stores the name and value of the attribute together with some
metadata describing it.
ProductIf |
Describes a product object for use within KonaKart.
ProductImagesIf |
A ProductImages interface
ProductImagesOptionsIf |
A ProductImagesOptions interface
ProductQuantityIf |
Product Quantity object which contains the quantity of a product for different option value
ProductRelationshipIf |
An object that contains relationship data for a relation between two products
ProductSearchIf |
Contains information used to search the catalog for a product.
ProductsIf |
This is normally the object returned for API calls returning an array of Products.
PromotionIf |
The Promotion object contains information about the promotion.
PromotionOptionsIf |
The PromotionOptions is passed to the getPromotionsPerProducts() API call to configure the
behavior of the call.
PromotionProductIf |
An object used to define a product down to the level of an option and the value of the option.
PromotionResultIf |
Promotion Result Object.
PunchOutOptionsIf |
This object contains attributes used to configure Punch Out API calls.
PunchOutResultIf |
Object containing the PunchOut message
ReviewIf |
Describes a review for use within KonaKart.
ReviewSearchIf |
Contains information required to specify search constraints for Reviews.
ReviewsIf |
This is normally the object returned for API calls returning an array of Reviews.
RewardPointIf |
Describes a reward points object for use within KonaKart.
RewardPointsIf |
This is normally the object returned for API calls returning an array of RewardPoint objects.
SaveOrderOptionsIf |
The object used to add options when saving an order
ShippingQuoteIf |
An order may have a ShippingQuote object to describe the shipping.
SnippetOptionsIf |
Used to configure snippets which are text fragments returned by the search engine surrounding the
search text.
SSOTokenIf |
The SSOToken class contains information to facilitate the transfer of session information when
accessing a KonaKart application from multiple sources.
StockReservationIf |
A StockReservation object contains all of the information stored in the database when stock is
StockReservationOptionsIf |
The BookableProductOptions is used to define the behaviour of certain Bookable Product APIs
StoreIf |
A KonaKart Store definition
SubscriptionIf |
Defines a recurring billing subscription.
SubscriptionSearchIf |
Contains information used to search for subscriptions
SubscriptionsIf |
This is normally the object returned for API calls returning an array of subscriptions.
SuggestedSearchItemIf |
SuggestedSearchItem interface
SuggestedSearchOptionsIf |
Used to configure the suggested search API call
SuggestedSpellingItemIf |
SuggestedSpellingItem interface
SuggestedSpellingOptionsIf |
Used to configure the suggested spelling API call
SuggestionIf |
Describes a Suggestion for use within KonaKart
TagGroupIf |
An object used to group tags.
TagIf |
An object that represents a tag used as metadata for products so that product searches can be
TaxClassIf |
The tax class associated with a product.
TaxRateIf |
Describes a tax rate.
TierPriceIf |
Tier Price object that contains the price for different quantities
VariantPriceIf |
VariantPrice details.
VendorIf |
Describes a vendor for use within KonaKart.
VendorSearchIf |
Contains information required to specify search constraints for Vendors.
VendorsIf |
This is the object returned for API calls returning an array of Vendors.
WishListIf |
A Wish List object which may contain an array of wish list items.
WishListItemIf |
A Wish List Item.
WishListItemsIf |
This is normally the object returned for API calls returning an array of wish list items.
WishListsIf |
This is the object returned for API calls returning an array of WishLists.
ZoneIf |
Describes a physical zone.
ZoneSearchIf |
Contains information required to search for a zone.
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