Interface | Description |
EmailIntegrationMgrInterface |
The interface that must be implemented by an Email Integration Manager
LoginIntegrationMgrInterface |
The interface that must be implemented by a Login Integration Manager
OrderIntegrationMgrInterface |
The interface that must be implemented by an Order Integration Manager
ReorderMgrInterface |
The interface that has to be adhered to by all implementation classes of the ReorderMgr.
Class | Description |
BaseMgr |
Base Manager
BasketMgr |
Manages all business logic relevant to the management of the shopping cart within the system
BillingMgr |
Manager for recurring billing
BookableProductMgr |
The manager for bookable products
CacheKeyHelper |
Cache Key Helper
CacheMgr |
Cache Manager
CategoryMgr |
Manages all business logic relevant to the management of categories within the system.
CategoryStats |
Used to contain the number of categories and last modified category in order to determine whether
the category tre has been modified.
ConfigConstants |
These are constants used as the keys for the configurations
ConfigurationMgr |
Manages all business logic relevant to the management of configurations within the system
ConstantsMgr |
ContentMgr |
The ContentMgr - for Managing Content Objects for the Application
ContentMgrEE |
The ContentMgrEE - for Managing Content Objects for the Application
CookieMgr |
Manager that contains code for reading and writing KonaKart cookies.
CurrencyMgr |
Currency Manager
CustomerMgr |
Customer Manager
CustomerMgrEE |
Customer Manager EE
CustomerMgrWond |
Customer Manager
CustomerStatsMgr |
Manager for gathering customer statistics
CustomerTagMgr |
Manager for customer tags
CustomerTagMgrEE |
EE Manager for customer tags
EmailConfig |
Class that contains attributes required to configure the eMail.
Emailer |
Emailer class.
EmailIntegrationMgr |
Used to provide an integration point when an eMail is sent.
EmailMgr |
Email Manager class.
EmailMgrWond |
Email Manager class.
EmailSender |
Used to send an email in a separate thread
EngineConfigCacheUpdater |
Thread which runs forever.
EventMgr |
Manages all business logic relevant to the management of events within the storefront
EventMgrShared |
Manages all business logic relevant to the management of events for both storefront and admin
EventQueueReader |
Thread which runs forever reading events from the queue and inserting them in a database.
ExportMgr |
Used to export data
ExportMgrEE |
Used to export data
KKApiMgr |
Provides some hooks to supplement the execution of the APIs.
KKApiObj |
Object to pass between API Hooks
Implements the KKLockMgrIf for distributed locking using the DB
KKEngineUtils |
For creating KonaKart engines
KKEngInitialization |
Stores some global quantities - set by reading the file.
KKInitializationBase |
Stores some global quantities - either set by the KKInitializationListener or by reading the
KKMagoDecrypter |
License utilities
KKServletContextListener |
Servlet Context Listener - used to shutdown threads when a shutdown event is received
LanguageMgr |
Manages all business logic relevant to the management of languages within the system
Called when LDAP is enabled to use LDAP for authenticating the user
LDAPMgrCore |
Called when LDAP is enabled to use LDAP for authenticating the user
LicenseChecker |
Thread which runs forever checking the Mago License.
LoggingMgr |
Logging Manager
LoginIntegrationMgr |
Used to provide an integration point when a customer attempts a login so that custom security
logic can be implemented.
ManufacturerMgr |
Manufacturers Manager
ManufacturerMgrWond |
Manufacturers Manager
MgrFactory |
Used to instantiate managers
MiscItemMgr |
The MiscItemMgr - for Managing Miscellaneous Item Objects
MiscPriceMgr |
The MiscPriceMgr - for Managing Miscellaneous Price Objects
MultiStoreMgr |
Manager for multi store code
OrderIntegrationMgr |
Used to provide integration points when orders are saved and when the status of an order is
OrderMgr |
Manages all business logic relevant to the management of orders within the system
OrderMgrEE |
Order Mgr - EE version.
ProductMgr |
Product Mgr.
ProductMgrEE |
Product Mgr - EE version.
ProductMgrWond |
Product Mgr - Tcpos version.
PromotionMgr |
Promotions Manager
PromotionMgrEE |
Promotion Mgr - EE version.
PunchOutMgr |
Manager containing code to create punch out message
ReorderMgr |
A demo implementation of the reorder manager.
ReviewMgr |
Reviews Manager
ReviewMgrEE |
Reviews Manager Enterprise
RewardPointCore |
Reward point core which is used by both the RewardPointMgr and the AdminRewardPointMgr
RewardPointMgr |
Reward point manager - Uses RewardPointCore for business logic
SecurityMgr |
Security Management
SecurityMgrEE |
Security Management
SecurityMgrWond |
Security Management
SerializerHelper |
Serializer Helper
Session |
Session object
SolrMgr |
Manager for code to interface with Solr
StoreMgr |
Manages all business logic relevant to the management of Stores for the Application Engine
SuggestionMgr |
Suggestion Management
SuggestionMgrEE |
Suggestion Management
TaxMgr |
TaxMgr class
VelocityContextMgr |
The VelocityContextMgr - for Managing context Maps
VelocityMgr |
The VelocityMgr - for Managing the Velocity Engine
WishListMgr |
Manager for wish lists
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